24-year-old Robyn
is a size 12 and has worked for Vogue
and Elle France amongst others, and
is the first plus-sized model to be shot in a Ralph Lauren campaign. She says this is a very worrying image for
teens to be exposed to and was alarmed when an image of her posing in lingerie
was used on a pro-thigh gap Facebook page. The photograph, in which Robyn leans
forward slightly, creating a natural parting at the top of her legs, garnered
900 comments and many of them were far from positive.
In an
article written for the Daily Beast, Robyn says that she was described as “too
hefty” to be featured on the site, and notes that the word “pig” was bandied
about far too often in reference to her gorgeous figure. She also says that far
from aiming to achieve a thigh gap, she’s been working hard to make her thighs
bigger and stronger so that she can enjoy longer workouts.
She feels
that true acceptance comes from within rather than comments on a Facebook feed
or a ridiculous website where eating disorders are openly encouraged. Women and
especially young girls have enough pressure laid on them without having to feel
like they’re not beautiful because they don’t have a large wedge of air where
the flesh of their legs should be.
And Robyn
has seen it from both sides. She began her career as a standard-sized model but
felt it wasn’t worth the effort of trying to maintain a size 8. From the looks
of her Tumblr page, Robyn is a passionate foodie who certainly wouldn’t dream
of starving her body of vital nutrients. We reckon she’s absolutely gorgeous
and a real inspiration for any aspiring models. But that’s not to say that
naturally slim women ought to feel bad about their shapes either!
If you’re
hoping to enter the world of modelling, it’s very important to understand the
value of loving yourself through and through and being very confident about
your body image. At Luxe Models we can offer advice and tell you which area of
modelling you’re best suited to. Check out our website for more details!