the au-natural look can be the most beautiful, sometimes we all need a little
helping hand. However, beauty products these days are becoming more and more
expensive, as well as more sought after. For that reason these products that we
convince ourselves we need can end up burning a hole in our pocket…. until now.

- If you’re not going away this summer fake tan is the number one product for making people think you have. Whereas you may not have actually sat on the beach sipping cocktails in the sun, if you manage to convince everyone else you have due to your tanned skin, then maybe in time you would even start to believe it yourself? Ok, maybe not, but with St. Moriz instant tanning mousse coming in at just £2.55 there is no excuse not to have a slight golden glow this summer.
- On long sunny summer evenings the last thing you want to be doing is slaving away in the shower washing your hair, (this is coming from someone with long, thick hair). You no longer have to think, “but it will be really greasy tomorrow” as we can tackle that in a matter of seconds! Whereas most people swear by dry shampoo, which you can pick up for around £2, talcum powder does exactly the same job, at a fraction of the price. You can pick talcum powder up from most beauty stores, usually for less than a pound, then all you need to do is apply a bit to your roots, rub it in and voila, clean hair…..or something like that.
- In hot weather the last thing any wants is a full face of thick make-up, especially because it usually ends up sweating off anyway! Try swapping a foundation with a concealer, just to go over slight blemishes, then let your face breath, you will feel so much better for it. Max Factor’s Panstick is the ultimate concealer, providing maximum coverage at a bargain price! The concealer comes in at just under £7 and lasts for absolutely ages, trust me, you won’t be disappointed!