Monday, January 05, 2015

What Does it Mean to be a Feminist?

Following comments recently made by The Big Bang Theory starlet Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting, this week Luxe Models asks; what does it mean to be a feminist?

Rehabilitating the Image of the Word ‘Feminist.’

Ask anyone in the know – like Luxe Models – and they’ll soon tell you that 2014 could very well be labelled as the year the word ‘feminist’ made a comeback.

Long derided as a term reserved for the man-haters of the world, stars such as Beyoncé and Taylor Swift took on the considerable task of rehabilitating the image of this loaded word in 2014. By year’s end, the efforts of these vaunted A-listers saw the word feminist reimagined as a term referring to the equality of the sexes.

Kaley Cuoco Admits to Not Thinking About Feminism

Yet feminism’s stand-out year did not stop Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting, the actress who plays Penny on phenomenally popular comedy The Big Bang Theory, from denying that the term applied to her.
According to Digital Spy, Cuoco-Sweeting was asked whether she considered herself as a feminist in a recent interview with Redbook. Her answer? "Is it bad if I say no? It's not really something I think about."

Cuoco-Sweeting “Never Really Faced Inequality.”

Going on to reveal that she’s “never really faced inequality," the actress who rose to fame in 8 Simple Rules went on to talk about her own experiences as a woman.

"Things are different now, and I know a lot of the work that paved the way for women happened before I was around... I was never that feminist girl demanding equality, but maybe that's because I've never really faced inequality."

You Could Face Discrimination at Any Time

In other words, Cuoco-Sweeting seems to be suggesting that in order to be a feminist, you need to be given a reason to take up the cause of women everywhere. At Luxe Models, we’d suggest that this is perhaps just a little short-sighted. Just because you haven’t faced inequality so far, doesn’t mean you won’t as you continue to craft a standout career in what is still sometimes considered a male-dominated world. 

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